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Overcoming the Overwhelming

A 40-Day Journey toward Rediscovering Faith in God


Free Study Guide Below

Free Video Teachings on Each Chapter HERE (in progress)




CHildebrand-Overcoming_FullCov2.inddThere are many challenges we face in life that have simple solutions. Others might take a greater effort, but eventually, we are successful. However, sometimes we experience difficulties that seem beyond our own abilities to overcome. After perhaps years of trying to improve without making any permanent progress, it is easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed.


It is perplexing to us when we observe that in other areas of our lives we are living victoriously. We might be doing very well in business and relationships and appear to everyone that we “have it all together”. Yet, in other facets of our lives, we are still experiencing frustration and defeat.


As the title of the book implies, in order to overcome the overwhelming, we must have faith in God, but how do we find new faith—a faith that will finally help us move “this” mountain?


Jesus said that knowing the truth will set us free. So, first of all, we need to discover what the truth is, especially as it pertains to our overwhelming circumstance. Next, we need to face head-on any thought that is negating the truth or causing us to doubt God’s goodness and His loving grace toward us. Then, we simply allow ourselves to believe that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do, not allowing anything to prevent us from receiving what He has provided.


Set before you in this book is a 40-Day feast of truth that is shared with the objective of setting you free to believe fully in God’s kind intentions toward us and receive the victory Jesus won for us. I hope you will be inspired to take this journey toward rediscovering faith in God so that you will finally overcome the overwhelming.


Sincerely in Christ,
Cathy Hildebrand


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Study-Discussion Guide


This study guide is provided for individuals who would like to journal through the book or for group study and discussion. Feel free to print the lessons for individual or group use, but please do not publish. The “lessons” are meant to be suggestions as to how much a group might study in one session. Of course, feel free to go at your own pace.




OTO Continuous Study Guide



STUDY GUIDE: Individual Lessons


Part One: By Grace through Faith NOT Law


Lesson 1: Prologue, Introduction, Day 1 From Frustration to Faith

OTO L-1 Prologue, Introduction, Day 1


Lesson 2: Day 2 Overcoming Overwhelming Sin

OTO L-2 Day 2


Lesson 3: Day 3 “Not by Law” and Day 4 “Sin Consciousness”

OTO L-3 Days 3 and 4


Lesson 4: Day 5 “Living by Grace through Faith” and Day 6 “Allowing Grace to Permeate Your Life”

OTO L-4 Days 5 and 6


Lesson 5: Day 7 “Needing New Faith” and Day 8 “Finding Faith”

OTO L-5 Days 7 and 8


Lesson 6: Day 9 “Good News”

OTO L-6 Day 9


Lesson 7: Day 10 “Discovering Specific Good News”

OTO L-7 Day 10


Lesson 8: Day 11 “Faith Pitfalls” and Day 12 “Good Girl, Bad Girl”

OTO L-8 Days 11 and 12


Part Two: Walking by Faith Not by Sight


Lesson 9: Day 13 “Supernatural Solution”, Day 14 “Supernatural Faith”, and Day 15 “The Gift and Fruit of Faith”

OTO L-9 Days 13-15


Lesson 10: Day 16 “Joyful Anticipation” and Day 17 “Pleasing God”

OTO L-10 Days 16 and 17


Lesson 11: Day 18 “Diligently Seeking Him”

OTO L-11 Day 18


Lesson 12: Day 19 “Confidence and Peace and Day 20 “Living above the Fray”

OTO L-12 Days 19 and 20


Lesson 13: Day 21 “While We Wait” and Day 22 “Sudden and Great Storms”

OTO L-13 Days 21 and 22


Lesson 14: Day 23 “Walking on Water” and Day 24 “Speaking to Mountains”

OTO L-14 Days 23 and 24


Part Three: Enemies of Faith


Lesson 15: Day 25 “The Trying of Our Faith” and Day 26 “A Defeated Foe”

OTO L-15 Days 25 and 26


Lesson 16: Day 27 “Resist Him” and Day 28 “The Weapons of Our Warfare”

OTO L-16 Days 27 and 28


Lesson 17: Day 29 “Underestimating God’s Power”

OTO L-17 Day 29


Lesson 18: Day 30 “Ignorance”

OTO L-18 Day 30


Lesson 19: Day 31 “Obedience”

OTO L-19 Day 31


Lesson 20: Day 32 “False Teaching”

OTO L-20 Day 32


Lesson 21: Day 33 “Christian” Superstitions

OTO L-21 Day 33


Lesson 22: Day 35 “Things We Accept”

OTO L-22 Day 34

Lesson 23: Day 35 “When We Are Our Own Worst Enemies”

OTO L-23 Day 35

Lesson 24: Day 36 “Fear Instead of Faith”

OTO L-24 Day 36


Part Four: Exceeding Great and Precious Promises


Lesson 25: Day 37 “Better Promises Based on a Better Covenant”

OTO L-25 Day 37


Lesson 26: Day 38 “All Sufficiency in All Things”

OTO L-26 Day 38


Lesson 27: Day 39 “Healing Grace”

OTO L-26 Day 38


Lesson 28: Day 40 “Above All We Can Ask or Think”

OTO L-28 Day 40 and Epilogue




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Galatians 2:21