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Free Resources

Grace and Faith Ministers


Dear Fellow Ministers,

There are grace and faith resources available for free for those who are credentialed ministers. Whether you are currently teaching the gospel of God’s grace or just wanting to know why everyone is talking about grace so much, these resources are available to you.

Most of these resources require that you verify that you are as pastor or in part or full-time ministry. If you are not, there are multiple other free resources available to you on this website along with links we have provided. Select the Resources tab and you will find plenty of free materials for all.


Free Resources for Ministers

If you are a minister within the U.S.A and would like a copy of one of C. D. Hildebrand’s books, please contact her on Facebook on her author’s page, C. D. Hildebrand | Facebook.
Here is a link to the books available. C. D. Hildebrand: books, biography, latest update


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Galatians 2:21